Monday, September 30, 2013

Movin' on Up - Silver 5X swimmers

Two weeks ago, DART didn't have any swimmers in the Silver 5X practice group.  Today we have three.  Zach Sodorff (11) joined the team about 10 days ago, and became the season's first member in the group.  Ryleigh Foggin (12) joined Zach a few days later, and Kayla Bevers (9) moved up just recently.

Congratulations to all three for taking that step up.

Making the move from Silver 3X to Silver 5X  might not seem like a big jump ... but it can more than double the development pace.  The Silver group concentrates on improving technique and building stamina.  Technique isn't just learning proper stroke mechanics, but developing muscle memory so the stroke can be repeated.

Silver 3X swimmers develop that muscle memory three days ... but "undevelop" it, if you will, four days per week.  While the steps forward outweigh the steps back, progress can be relatively slow.

In contrast, adding just one more day of practice, tips the scale in the swimmer's favor.  Not only do they gain by the extra practice, but they lose less with only three days out of the water.  It's like trading a negative for a positive ... double benefit.  A fifth day of practice takes the development pace even higher.

Bumping up practice time isn't for all swimmers.  Some kids simply aren't ready for that added commitment, some don't have the time, etc.  Swimmers looking to advance within the sport, however, should consider adding a day (or two) when the time feels right.  Talk to your coaches and let them help guide you.

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