Saturday, September 21, 2013

Anybody Out There?

Starting a new blog reminds me of scientists sending light beacons into space hoping to contact aliens from far off planets.  You're not sure who, if anyone or anything, has seen the message.

This Shark Bites blog, brought to you by DART, for DART, and exclusively about DART, represents a DART beacon.  (By the way, that sets a new record for using the acronym DART in one sentence, and represents a challenge for future posts.)  I'm not sure who's out there.

That's where you can help.  If any people, aliens or other life forms happen to see this blog, and have some interest in the DART swim team, please return the beacon.  A five segment audio/light sequence, a la the Close Encounters movie would work ... or you could type a comment to this post, by clicking the post title.

Comments like "Hello" and "I'm here" would work, but you could also ask a question, make a suggestion or give feedback.

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