Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Attitudes Change With The Attitudes Around Them

While driving my daughter, a swimmer, to school this morning, she said something worth quoting ... "Attitudes change with the attitudes around them".

Most people see swimming as an individual sport.  On race day, relays aside, its one swimmer with one lane ... not exactly a team effort.  Or, is it?  Coach Bob has talked often about what it takes to become an elite swimmer.  (Sometimes it seems that's all he thinks about).  He quickly points to the pieces necessary for that level of success.  1) A dedicated, knowledgeable coach.  2) Support - Just try to become an elite swimmer without mom's taxi or daddy's money.  3) Talent - That one's up to fate and DNA.  4) Teammates.

Teammates?  Yes, teammates.  Good coaching, good support and good genes aren't enough.  Good teammates make it fun.  Good teammates make a swimmer want to go to practice.  Good teammates push each other to higher levels.  Good teammates affect attitude.

Do you have a good attitude?  Your teammate's success might just depend on it.

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