Sunday, September 29, 2013

Easy as 1 - 2 - 3

Event Fundraising
DART 2013 Swim-A-Thon

DART's current fundraising event, represents my daughter's 6th or so Swim-A-Thon ... I've lost count.  In the past, collecting donations required the swimmer go door to door with a paper form in hand, seeking pledges.  I simply paid the minimum collection requirement, instead of having her hit the streets.

This year, swimmers can use a tool on the DART website to solicit donations electronically, leveraging contact lists that already exist.  Its easy and donors can give securely online with their credit cards.  They can also still pay by check or give cash.

It's as easy as one, two, three ...

1.  Create a profile for each of your swimmers.  Default profile text exists.  You can use the default or modify it to say whatever you wish.  You can also optionally upload a picture.

2.  Upload contacts from various contact sources (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, facebook, etc) and select which ones to include in your solicitation.  Note:  Nobody sees your contacts besides you.

3.  Compose an email and send in mass to the contacts you selected.  Done!

Then, sit back and monitor the, perhaps surprising, generosity of your friends and family.

Get started by logging into the DART website and clicking the lane line graphic across the top.  Use the Setup button to create a profile.  Use the Promote button to upload, select and email your contacts.

Please participate in this fundraising event.

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