Saturday, October 19, 2013

Otitis Externa, aka Swimmer's Ear

Swimmers ear occurs when certain bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosadecide to settle down and raise a family in your swimmer's ear.  They cause an irritating combination of pain and itching, never pay rent, and won't leave without force.


There seems to be a direct correlation between how long one waits to start treatment, and how long it takes the treatment to work. Quick response is key.  Doctors can prescribe drops, dense with antibiotics, that work well.  If treatment starts soon after the symptoms appear, the ill-mannered tenants die in just 2-3 days.  Procrastinate, and the cure can take considerably longer.


The first line of defense, beyond the pool facility's chemicals,  would be to limit how much bacteria carrying-water gets into the ear.  A tight fitting cap pulled down over the ears goes a long way toward prevention.  DART swimmers have had relatively few bouts with swimmers ear (with a few notable exceptions), so we can thank the SHAC staff for that ... but we don't always swim at the SHAC.  Away meets are good place to pick up a few Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria.

Every "Coaches Corner" Coach Bob has ever produced, includes advice on preventing swimmers ear.  Daily drops of an equal part isopropanol and vinegar solution, can keep the irritating little boogers from moving in.  This preventive approach must be done routinely, after swimming and showering, to be effective.

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