Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bleeping Goggles - Part One

During the DART intrasquad meet yesterday morning, more than one pair of goggles found themselves draped cockeyed across a face or around a neck.  In almost every case, the goggles started on the eyes of a novice swimmer.  The more experienced swimmers almost never seem to have this problem.  This post is one of a three part series about goggles and how to keep them on your swimmer's face.

There are no magic goggles.  Even a $100 pair of Speedo Fastskin 3 Super Elite Swim Goggles with IQ Fit Goggle Seal (pictured above) will gladly fly off your face, given the opportunity.  Apparently Speedo prices their goggles based on the number of words in the name.

Step 1: Find goggles that fit.  Eye sockets come in different shapes and sizes ... so do goggles.  Go to a swim store (Aquaholics, Poco Loco, etc.) or to a vendor at a swim meet, and try on different brands and models.  Find some that make a good seal so they don't leak, hurt or come off easily.  See the video below.

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